(Al-Insan) 76 : 9
إِنَّمَا نُطْعِمُكُمْ لِوَجْهِ اللَّهِ لَا نُرِيدُ مِنْكُمْ جَزَاءً وَلَا شُكُورًا

Indeed we are feeding you seeking Lord Allah’s presence only; we are not intending rewards or any thanks from you.

The virtuous will feed the poor, orphans and captives even though they are in need for food, by seeking Allah’s presence. Allah does not come down to feed these people directly, so it is the duty of His vicegerents to do these things without expecting any thanks or rewards or any other remuneration for it. They know that these endeavors should be accepted and rewarded by Allah.

But today the Muslims are giving some helps to others for their personal or organizational interest, yet they have read these verses. Indeed they are the disbelievers and mates of Satan. On the Day of Judgment Qur’an will witness and argue against them.

Note that here mentioned poor, orphans and captives are not from any specified community or religion, but they are from the whole mankind. Since Adhikr is codified as the Splendid Book, It is the Prosperity; there is no poverty after It and no prosperity without It. So a real believer- who Trust the Prosperity- Adhikr, will face no poverty. See the explanation 2: 271-274; 4: 37-38 and 74: 6 in the Reminder- Adhikr- Book for purifying as mentioned in the verse 98: 2-3.